Willemoes Jul 2012
Brewery: Bryggeriet Vestfyen
Type: Double/Imperial IPA
Alcohol: 9%
Country: Denmark
A Christmas beer left over from the reviews. I actually wish I had reviewed this over some of the others, didn't know it was a double IPA. Pours a golden orangish hued color with a generous white head. The smell is very fruity and full of citrus and grapefruit with a little earthy grass note and a decent sweet malty aroma. The taste is very malty up front. Biscuit and sweet toffee dominate the flavor with a huge backbone of floral and citrus bitter hops. Has a decent dry mouthfeel with only a little but of hot alcohol taste. While it is not a great example of the style, it by far blows away many of the other boring Christmas beers I reviewed. I really wish I had reviewed this for the calendar, hope there will be a similar beer released for 2013.