Rocky Mountain IPA — Rock on Beer Blog

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Rocky Mountain IPA

Rocky Mountain IPA


Fort Collins Rocky Mountain IPA

Brewery: Fort Collins Brewery

Type: IPA

Alcohol: 6.2%

Country: USA

Here is another beer from my "American BBQ" haul. Have never heard of this brewery before now. Got a couple beers from, hopefully some good ones.

Pours a dark copper color with a big head. Massive amount of lacing left ehind on the glass. Aroma is malty caramel and bread, just a little tiny bit of piney hops. This is a very very malty IPA. Really huge breadiness, lots of caramel, pretty sweet for an IPA. There is some hops hiding beneath the layers of malt. Little pine, slightly more citrus, and just a bit of smooth bitterness that trys to make this a real IPA. Medium body and carbonation. Not really my idea of an IPA. I would actually put this more in a malty English pale ale catagory. I am not a fan of excessive maltiness in an IPA. If the hops are not the star of the beer, then how can it be an IPA? I can honestly say I won't miss this one if I never see it again.

To Øl Goliat

To Øl Goliat

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