Export Lager
Brewery: Ugly Duck/Hornbeer
Style: Dortmunder Export/Helles
Alcohol: 5.5%
Country: Denmark
A collaboration between two great Danish breweries; Ugly Duck Brewing and Hornbeer. They have created a lager with an identity crisis. Brewed in the ancient German lager tradition, complete with simple grain bill and not so simple decoction mashing, but there is a twist. At some point they threw the rulebook out the window and tossed in a big bunch of everyone's favorite fruity wine bomb from down under Nelsom Sauvin. This break from tradition gives a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde character to this beer.
On first opening and pouring everything seems in order. Relatively clear yet still recognizably unfiltered appearance with a big puffy white head. Smells pilsner-ish, but with something...lurking. The taste is where this classic lager whips off it's drab trench coat and reveals itself naked and painted in peace signs underneath. Big punch of nelson tropical notes float around in a sea of bready undertones ending with a dry wine like aftertaste and more then a little bitter tingle. Refreshingly lager like but tantalizingly hopped. Moving up there with Helmuth for some of my favorite off the wall lagers. See the video review below for more on Export Lager by Ugly Duck and Hornbeer.
Rating: 8/10