Citra Single hop — Rock on Beer Blog

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Citra Single hop

Citra Single hop


Brouwerij De Molen Citra Single Hop Brewery: Brouwerij De Molen

Type: IPA-ish

Alcohol: 4.8%

Country: Netherlands

Citra is a hop i am not that familiar with. I am on a mission to try as many hops as I can in a controlled environment (beer). That is why I have recently been brewing only single malt single hop, or SMaSH recipes. So I was pretty excited to see a single hop citra beer on the shelf. I have also heard good things about De Molen, so let's take a drink.

Pours a nice clear orangish color. The head is ridiculous  I can barely pour a milliliter without the head rushing out of the glass. I would attribute this to the fact that the beer was almost touching the cap in the bottle, that makes for a lot of carbonation. The aroma is really great, grassy and citrus, a very pronounced hop smell. There is a nice earthy grass taste mixed with a good deal of grapefruit and citrusy notes. There is not a lot of bitterness in this beer, I can see why they labelled this as an IPA-ish. There is a touch of breadiness from the malts but overall the hop really shines through as the star of this beer. There is a lot of carbonation in this beer, it is very fizzy and bubbly. Another thing I noticed is it got a lot hazier as I poured the whole beer, so there was quite a bit of sediment in the bottom I carelessly poured in. It is hard to rate this beer, as it is mostly just a really good way to get a taste of one single hop. Therefore my rating of a seven is more for the style overall, as this is a pretty good beer, especially if you really like citrusy American hops.

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